Oral-B Deep Sweep TRIACTION – Review and Giveaway

The winner thanks to Random.org is… #4, Amy! I will email you for your information.


I spent a good three months looking at power tooth brushes. I have a scary passion for oral health, mostly because I really hate the dentist. In order to make my visits as smooth as possible I do everything in my power to avoid extra visits.

When researching power tooth brushes I looked for ease of use, ease of charging and cost. Cost was a big one.

A few weeks ago I was emailed to try out the Oral-B Professional Series Deep Sweep Triaction, their newest power tooth-brush.

Color me impressed. Deeply impressed.

This power tooth-brush has upwards of 48,800 bristle movements a minute…a minute! I can’t do that with my manual at all. My arm would get tired… I have also noticed that the amount of gunk that gets removed from my teeth each time I use it has increased, my teeth are left feeling clean. They tell me that the Deep Sweep Triaction can remove 76% more plaque in the hard to reach places (the back corners of your mouth and those darn awkward angles) and even more in the regular easy to get to places.

The other key part of the Deep Sweep Triaction that I love so much is something that Oral-B is known for anyway, the indicator brush heads. It reminds me to change the head of the brush every three months, once the color fades away from the bristles. I have the worst “mommy-brain” ever, so this is so helpful.

You know how the dentist will tell you to spend 30 seconds in each “section” of your mouth…the Deep Sweep Triaction will tell you when to switch with a double vibrate, something that helps a ton because before I would count and lose my place.

Taking care of your teeth is critical to your health. I can tell when my mouth isn’t clean, I get headaches and my mouth just feels off. It trickles down the rest of my body, another reason I take such good care of my teeth. Diet alone won’t help keep your teeth clean, you need a good brush and routine to keep it that way.

Do you want to win a  Oral-B Professional Series Deep Sweep Triaction? Leave a comment letting me know the best feature for you! Get a bonus entry by tweeting the comment and leaving me the link.

The giveaway closes Monday March 25th.

The Oral-B Professional Series Deep Sweep Triaction retails for about 64.99, with the replacement heads costing about $10 depending on where you buy. I was provided with an  Oral-B Professional Series Deep Sweep Triaction to review. The opinions are my own.

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5 Responses to Oral-B Deep Sweep TRIACTION – Review and Giveaway

  1. Becky Egeland says:

    Believe it or not, my favorite feature of all that you described it the indicator brush heads. I tend to keep using my toothbrush LONG after its shelf life. I also think the brush “telling” you when to switch brushing the different areas is brilliant. I think you picked a winner!

  2. cheesy** says:

    Oooh. This sounds amazing. I like the idea of it ‘telling’ me when to switch tooth sections! I tend to zone out while brushing and usually error on the side of not cleaning long enough.

  3. Christine Widness says:

    A toothbrush that tells you when to switch to another area? That sounds awesome!

  4. Amy McMommy says:

    Not to copy my sister, but I agree that the indicator heads are a really nice feature!

  5. Heather says:

    Hi there! My name is Heather and I wanted to know if you would be willing to answer a quick question I have about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com I would greatly appreciate it!

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